Procrit or Epogen, Kidney Failure, Chemotherapy

No More Procrit Necessary

"I had a belated appointment for my procrit test on Friday afternoon. It had been 30 days since my last check of which I previously reported to you. Friday my HGB was 11.7 anf my HCT was 38.3 and I was given 20,000 procrit. This is down from 40,000-60,000 every two weeks for the past 18 months. The other happening, and I am not sure of the significance yet is my insulin usage. It is down to a 10-20 unit shot of 70/30 about every three days. So we have another test in 30 days and I will advise. Needless to day I am pleased with my results which must be from Tropical Wonder [Edit now Tropical Health Foods carao]

... my kidney function is near normal after nearly quitting on me and the procrit usage has substantially declined". 


(letter from from Ralph to another carao user)

My anemia was caused from chemo therapy I believe. However, I have been obese for years, had open heart in 1992, and thyroid cancer in 2002, I tried "Tropical Wonder" just to see if it would work being an all natural substance, Well, it has. I was taking 40,000 units of procrit every two weeks and an occasional 60,000 dose and one really bad week I got 60,000 on Wednesday and 100,000 on Friday. I went to the lab yesterday and my blood counts were high enough no procrit was administered. Last month for some reason I got 30,000 but the 3 months previous I did not receive any on my monthly visit. My kidney failure is about 60 % I am told. So my case is much different than yours, I started out with two teaspoons night and morning. Today I continue two teaspoons in the morning as my over all feeling well is improved by taking Tropical Wonder. Being a natural product, I cannot see how Tropical Wonder could hurt you. In my case I am happy I found the web site and tried the product. Nothing but good has come from its use.  Ralph, FL