Hello Lloyd, I am sending you this note as a follow-up to an email I originally sent you about 2 months ago. I had told you that my 80 yr. old father had been diagnosed with MDS and was becoming quite anemic. I ordered 3 bottles of the Carao and am happy to report some success with the product. About 8 weeks ago my dad’s hemoglobin count was 10.2 and as of today his latest blood test shows it is 11.2. I am so very excited since the option for him was a shot called Procrit which has a black box label warning from the FDA as being very dangerous. His doctor had told him that when his blood dropped to 10.0 he would get the shot and feel better. He did not tell him of any of the awful side effects of the drug. Once I found out about it I began my search for a natural alternative and came across your website. I would also like to let you know that his platelet count has risen considerably as well. I am ordering 3 more bottles so he can keep going. He happens to be one that likes the taste of the Carao and looks forward to taking it each day. He has not mentioned anything to his doctors as yet. He wants his blood count to get to the normal range and then he thought he might tell them what he has been taking. His face seems to have more color in it and he says he feels better. I am so glad I found your website. His doctor had told him there was nothing that could help him but that awful shot and I am glad to say he was wrong and that using something that is all natural is so much better than any chemical we put into our bodies. Thank you again for your product and I will keep you posted. Sincerely, Glinda, California